CategoriesFeatures Release Notes

Payment Reminders

We’ve always said that your customers should never be surprised by a payment being deducted from their account. You should be sending invoices to your clients. To help remind your customers of their upcoming payments we have introduced an optional Payment Reminders feature.

When activated, uCollect will send a reminder to your customers a set number of days before their due date so that when you initiate the debit to their account they will be less surprised. Our Reminders feature will enforce the buffer time so that if a customer is set for reminders no payment will be initiated without sending a reminder the set number of days in advance.

For more information check out our support article on Payment Reminders.

CategoriesRelease Notes

UI Refresh

Today we released a long-overdue refresh to our User Interface – think of it as a late New Year’s present.  Our original interface was created over 6 years ago as part of our initial launch with the intention that we would review and revise.  Of course, we got busy with other things!  So, we finally dedicated a sprint cycle to it.  We hope that you like it.  Let us know if you spot any issues that we missed (please send a screen shot and tell us your operating system and browser edition so that we can properly recreate your issue).

In our next sprint we are working on Receipts and Reminders.  In this feature block we will be giving you the ability to automatically:

  1. Send an email receipt to the customer once payment has been initiated.
  2. Send a reminder email in advance of the payment being initiated.

You’ll be able to set a default in the Gateway Settings, and then override that in the contact’s gateway settings.

If you have any thoughts or suggestions on these features please don’t hesitate to let us know.

We’d also love to hear what features you’d like to see next in uCollect.  Feel free to send us an email with your suggestions.

CategoriesFeatures Release Notes

Improvements to Email Deliverability

As any Software As A Service provider will tell you, email deliverability is a huge problem.  Because we send the same email text to many people our messages frequently get classified as SPAM.  This usually gets better once the user has sent us an email as their email system recognizes that they are a trusted contact, but it’s still an annoying problem.  This is even worse when we send messages to your customers on your behalf for invitations or failure notifications.

We have been working on this for the last few months and in our latest update we have taken steps to improve our email deliverability.

Messages that we send to your customers (invitation and payment failure notices) can now be sent directly from your own email account (not via our server or account) through your Google or Outlook account, or by using your SMTP settings.  This means that the message comes direct from you, and all replies go to you, with none of the third-party sender flags that can cause SPAM scores to rise.  You can set this up in the Email Configuration section of the Edit, Organisation Settings page.  Simply choose the method you want, authorise Google or Outlook, or enter your SMTP Settings and you’re done!

CategoriesGateways News Release Notes

Changes to the automatic retry of failed Credit Card payments

Visa recently announced additional fees for merchants if you process the same payment request more than 14 times in a month after the first one fails. This could result in large additional fees to our users as our system was designed to retry failed payments every day.

To address this we have changed the default behaviour when a payment fails. Now, we will try every day for 7 days, and then retry ever three days thereafter.

We do give you the option of retrying every other day and every day, but you may be subject to other charges (not by us mind you). You can change the default behaviour in your payment gateway settings page.