- Payment Reminders
- Payment receipts
- UI Refresh
- Improvements To Email Deliverability
- Changes to the automatic retry of failed Credit Card payments
- Go Cardless Alternative (67% savings)
- Partner Programme
- Automatic Payments
- Is 1% too much for QBO ACH? Yes!
- Unbalanced ABA file
- Filter your collections
- Calculate Fees on Settlement
- Using Branding Themes In Xero

Today we released a long-overdue refresh to our User Interface – think of it as a late New Year’s present. Our original interface was created over 6 years ago as part of our initial launch with the intention that we would review and revise. Of course, we got busy with other things! So, we finally dedicated a sprint cycle to it. We hope that you like it. Let us know if you spot any issues that we missed (please send a screen shot and tell us your operating system and browser edition so that we can properly recreate your issue).
In our next sprints we are working on Receipts and Reminders. In this feature block we will be giving you the ability to automatically:
- Send an email receipt to the customer once payment has been initiated (released March 2022)
- Send a reminder email in advance of the payment being initiated (coming April 2022).
You’ll be able to set a default in the Gateway Settings, and then override that in the contact’s gateway settings.
We’d also love to hear what features you’d like to see next in uCollect. Feel free to send us an email with your suggestions
If you have any thoughts or suggestions on these features please don’t hesitate to let us know.