CategoriesRelease Notes

2017 updates

So from our blog posts it looks like we’ve been doing nothing all year.  But this is not really true.  We have been lots behind the scenes but none of it has been major releases or news worthy, so we haven’t bothered posting about it.  In the past year our development team has moved to a new coding platform, re-written our “collection loop” (a major project), created a new gateway integraytion and made numerous bug fixes and tweaks to the system.  And of course, we provide ongoing support to our customers.  So don’t take our silence as a sign that nothing is happening!

We wish all our customers the best as we head towards the end of the year and looking forward to more activity in 2018 with a few new features planned.


New Direct Debit and CC option for Australia

We are pleased to announce that our newest gateway integration adds another Direct Debit option for Australian users with very affordable rates.  Mint Payments is an API-based (no CSV files to upload) gateway through NAB.  Their fees are very reasonable.  Mint Payments is our recommended Direct Debit provider for Australian users.  They also have credit card processing available for NA and AU merchants.  Find out more on our Mint Payments support page.


UPDATE: Mint are no longer accepting new applications for Direct Debit.  We are gutted!

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