
Welcome to uCollect

We are pleased to announce that uCollect is now available for Beta customers.  It is by “invitation only” at this stage – so just fillin the contact us form and we will send you an email invite if you are qualified.

The Release 1.0 version of uCollect contains most of our core Xero integration that we expect, including all aspects of being able to schedule collections based on the invoice due date.  We also have both Upload and Direct interface types functional, including:

  • Upload (CSV) formats for all major NZ banks (ANZ, ASB, BNZ, Westpac) for Direct Debits
  • Generic ABA file format (a fixed-length file format) which is accepted by all major banks in Australia for Direct Debits
  • A Direct API interface to EziDebit for NZ and AU (works with both credit cards and direct debits)

The work is not over yet – we have heaps more coming out in the new year, so stay tuned.