CategoriesRelease Notes

We have updated our menus to make them more intuitive and added some new options.

Some things haven’t changed:

  • Our main screen is still the Search Contacts option, and this is still it’s own item on the root menu
  • Clicking on your organisation name will show you a list of the organisations you have access to and let you add a new one
  • Logout will still do just that!

There have been no other changes to the way things work – they are just in a new place. The most significant change is that the Collection History screen is now under the Reports menu and the Process Now function is now under the Actions menu.

Here’s a run down of the other menu options:


  • User Profile – change your user name, email address or password
  • Organsation Settings – available to admin users only – change your organisation settings, billing options, users and gateways


  • Process Now – activates the collection routine now – was previously on the Collection History screen (same as the Generate Now button)
  • Reload Data – reloads data from the accounting system – was previously on the Search Contacts page


  • Collection History – view the past collection batches and drill into the batch detail
  • Installments – see a list of upcoming installments (was previously underneath the Collection History table)


  • Help for this page
  • Knowledge Base
  • Contact Us

We know that any navigational change can be disorienting at first, but bear with us. It will become second nature in no time. This change in menus prepares us for some new options coming soon!